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Weekly Photo Challenge

A very famous painting in Paris (WPC: Reward)

This week the theme of the Weekly Photo Challenge (WPC) is “Reward”. Reward for me? Or for other people?
For most of the visitors in the Louvre in Paris the painting on the right side of the third picture is their big reward for visiting. If you have a closer view, you can recognize the famous painting. My rewards are the photographs of this scene itself.

20090405 DMC-LX3 Paris 427-Bearbeitet20090405 NIKON D200 Paris 424

20090405 NIKON D200 Paris 430-Bearbeitet

Makros im Palmengarten Frankfurt (WPC: Rule of Thirds)

Palmengarten MakroaufnahmeAs my part of the weekly photo challenge – Rule of Thirds i show you a few macro-pictures i created a few month ago in the Palmengarten, a great and famous botanical garden in Frankfurt/Main in Germany. I had the possibility to use the Olympus Zuiko 60mm Makro-Lens for the shots. The 10 pictures are a small selection for the “Rule of Thirds” Theme. More of my pics you can find here.

Palmengarten Makroaufnahme Palmengarten Makroaufnahme OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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Weekly Photo Challenge: Depth in Lissabon

Direkt nach meinem letzten Lissabon-Post bin ich auf die Weekly Photo Challenge: Depth aufmerksam geworden. Das folgende Foto aus Lissabon passt da ganz gut rein. Drum werde ich es mal posten, zumal ich im Moment mal wieder Gründe suche, Motive abseits von Graffiti und Streetart zu zeigen 🙂